5 Ways to Save on Wedding Flowers


Most people must adhere to a strict budget when planning their dream wedding. Fresh flowers don't have to use up the entire budget, though, as there are many ways to save. 

1. Choose Local Blooms

Imported flowers will almost always cost more than those that are grown locally. Sticking with traditional favourites, like roses and lilies, is more likely to cost less as these flowers can almost always be sourced locally no matter where you plan to marry. You will still have a lot of choice in type, bloom colour and size when opting for locally grown blooms.

2. Think In Season

Avoid flowers that are completely out of season. These tend to be more expensive because they must either be imported from somewhere that is in season, or they will be grown in a hothouse with a lot of hands-on care. Your florist can help you determine what flowers will be in season for your wedding date so that you can have the greatest choice available when it comes to selecting your wedding flowers. 

3. Be a Minimalist

Stick to only one type of main flower, and then fill out your arrangements with some simple greenery or filler blooms. The arrangements may not be as colourful as more expensive flower combinations, but they will likely be more striking in their simplicity. You can also minimise your use of wedding flowers to save money. Place large bouquets only on the wedding party tables, for example, and single stems on the rest of the tables. Or, have the bridesmaids carry single stems or simple nosegays instead of full bouquets. 

4. Reuse Wisely

There is no need to purchase flowers for both the wedding venue and the reception. Once the ceremony is over, the flowers at the venue are discarded. Your wedding team can quickly grab the flowers from the venue and transport them to the reception area to be set up as centrepieces while your wedding party is taking pictures and mingling with the attendees. You will only need to purchase half as many flowers if you go this route.

5. Be Upfront

Let your florist know your budget and be firm with the amount. Florists are creative professionals that will accept the challenge of making your wedding dreams come true within your set budget. A skilled florist can help you pick out the right combination of fillers, flowers and displays at the best cost for you. 

Contact a florist in your area to begin planning your wedding flower arrangements today.


24 May 2021

The Do's And Don'ts Of Online Shopping

Not long after I gave birth to my second child, I decided to embrace online shopping as a way for me not to have to tackle crowded shopping centres with two children under the age of three. I cannot tell you how much easier my life has become. From doing a weekly food shop to buy the kids some clothes while on sale, online shopping gives me time back in my day. I want to encourage other people on how to safely and effectively shop online, so I have created this blog. From protecting your credit card details to the best time to shop for sale goods, my blog posts will get others comfortable with ordering everything and anything from the comfort of their home.